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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Warm Wednesdays

This blogging thing can be very enlightening. You get to express the way you feel behind the screen of a computer. Genius. We tend to go through life not taking notice of our everyday surroundings. I'm gulity of this. Not taking heed to what the greater has given to us.  Since blogging, I am trying to become more self aware of this.  Warm Wednesday is not just about the readers getting to know me, it's also about ME getting to know ME.

 As a child, I never really expressed myself. I was (and to some degree- still am) shy. I was the kid who just went along with the flow. Didn't want to ruffle to feathers so to speak.  Silent. Verbal, but non verbal in since.  When I came up with Warm Wednesdays, I realized that I really wasn't exactly clear on what I liked (or disliked) officially. By when writing it, it becomes my reality on the things that I like- in life and in general. Here are five more things about me...

1. I am  a fake vegetarian. Fake meaning, I don't eat meat only fish, but I picked up the habit of eating a lot more junk. I might as well eat a big mac for that matter. That's not being true.
2. I love taking baths. No really... I can stay in the tub for upwards of two hours then let the water out and take a shower for another thirty minutes. No wonder I've developed eczema on one finger..my hands are always in water.
3. I have eczema on one finger
4. I don't like bugs.
5. I am afraid of thunderstorms ( I think a childhood imposed fear)

Well this is my self awareness  check of the week..

Goodnight people


  1. aww these warm Wednsedays are a great idea. They'll help your growth out a lot!

    -Chymere H.

  2. fake vegan is better than not trying at all..my tail is sad.


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