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Thursday, September 22, 2011

To Do List Thursdays: 80/20 Rule

I have Internet ADHD. I can never get a chance to finish reading something because I'm always searching information that was mentioned in the article I was trying to read.  But anyway, on my search (I can even remember what I was looking for in the first place) I found this article talking about the 80/20 rule.  It was mentioned in the movie "Why did I get married" but for other reasons.  This rule is mainly applied in businesses, but can applied to your personal life as well.  The rule states that 80% of your outcome or results are based on 20% of your activity or input.  If you apply this to any areas of your life, you have to figure out what part of your life makes you the happiest (80%)--then apply how you achieved being happy (20%) and focus more of your time and energy on the 20% so that you can get the greatest results (80%) of being happy.

So the moral of the story...work harder on the 20% so that you can achieve the desired 80% (not the other way around).  Not only work smart, but work smart on the right things.  Stop wasting time on things that don't matter...

Here's an example...  (+) 20% of t.v being off  can contribute to 80% of weight loss...instead the situation is this  (-)20% of my t.v being on contributes to 80% of my weight gain..lol

 The real meaning of 80/20 in the above case....."get up off your lazy a$$"



  1. Interesting way of thought. So if I save 20% of my money, I can buy 80% of the things I want?

    Chic on the Cheap

  2. See I'm the same way about understanding what I'm reading! Its always cool to know I'm not as strange as i think I am.

  3. Hilarious! How about you get what you give? I'm just saying. Lol!


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