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Thursday, June 23, 2011

To Do List Thursdays: I celebrate ME

 To many times people (me included) focus on the things they wish they could change about their  looks that we don't celebrate our positive attributes. Well, here are some things that I like love about me:

~My legs. I try  down play my legs when it comes to showing them off. I've gotten lots of compliments (majority men)regarding my shapely "thick" legs. At times, I have to watch how I dress especially when it comes to going to work. If I wear dresses/skirts, I try to keep them at bay with a lower heel. When I throw a heal on- watch out now..lol. Which brings me to...
~My foot. Yes, my foot. I've been told that any shoe I put on looks good on my foot. Maybe it's the shapely leg attached to it. LOL.  But people say "oh those shoes look nice on your feet".Which brings me to...
~My skin. I've been told that my skin is super soft. I don't do much to it but put lotion on. Nothing in particular, just lotion. Which leads me to...
~My scent. I've been told that my body chemistry with perfume, perfumed body lotion or oil can hold a scent really well. Maybe the suppleness of my soft skin holds the smell in- I don't know just guessing.
~My dimple. A lot of people don't know I have a dimple. Though it's high up on my right cheek and can only be noticed when I smile. Which brings me to....
~My smile. I've been told that I have a nice smile, to bad I really have to practice smiling more though.

I don't want to seem conceited because I am not, but we have to celebrate what we like and stop dwelling on what we don't. I challenge you... celebrate the things you like instead of the things you don't.


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