There are two things I wanted to ramble about. (1) Train rides and (2) living on the second floor. Yesterday, I returned from a visit to North Carolina- via train. Yes, train. I have to confess something... I WILL NOT (repeat) WILL NOT EVER TAKE A TRAIN AGAIN (unless it's a short trip -no more than 1hr). It was horrible. People are so inconsiderate. There was a man snoring like he was at home in bed and a young girl who talked so loud everyone heard her business and I quote (her talking) "yeah, me and my sister are cool, but we don't talk about my sex life". She don't need know that". NEWS FLASH- WE DON'T EITHER lol. She even had the nerve to put it on speaker phone at one point. HUH!! We live in a world where people just are not mindful to their surroundings. They think that people are suppose to cater to them. How about (yes, I said that), you being respectful of others. OOhh, I forgot to mention- the train ride was 8hrs long. NEVER AGAIN.
And continuing with theme... Mr. Hardwalk upstairs. I live on the second floor of a three story complex. This man, who I must mention, is about 6'3 weighing upwards to 290 (line backer type) continues to walk hard as hell- hence my name for him- Mr. Hardwalk. Sometimes I wonder what in the world is he doing. The apartment is but so big. Where is he walking to?? I just sit here and smdh. Question- Do people know they walk hard?
~From music to laughter and everything in between~
Good night (as I hear him walking back and forth OMG)
lol @ Mr. Hardwalk