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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Home Sweet Home

So it's been a while, a minute,  a long time, forever...well, you get the picture-since I blogged. A lot has happened to me. I finally purchased a house...(round of applause in the background). Mi casa a.k.a. my crib. I moved at the end of February and still settling into my new digs. I honestly thought it was going to be different than living in the apartment with paying bills and all. But like the housing counselor said "If you can pay your rent, you can pay your mortgage". I never was late paying rent and I'm for dag on sure not going to be late paying my mortgage. No sir.

I'm enjoying being able to paint and do anything the I want to do in house without having to keep the noise (not saying I was noisy) down. It's mine..all mine. It's nice knowing that you own something (for 30 years that is) and it's your investment.

 My blog title will change since I no longer live in apt. 202, but not sure to what. It'll come to me. So until then, see ya.......

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a new year, new start and a new me... well the same me, but becoming better.  This year I vow to put things into action. I've learned in 2011 through a certain relationship, that actions MUST match your words (me included).

 Through that past relationship his actions did not match his words and neither did mine. I secretly blamed him for not keeping his word.  It's funny how in your romantic relationships you work harder, but in other areas of your life, you slack. That's what I did. I slacked (a.k.a neglected) the other areas in my life, but put more of my focus on him.  And from that, things suffered. I neglected the most important person- ME.

 So, with this new year, new start and a new me, I will put forth the words that I say into action. I am going to be a woman of my word which shows great character. If I say that I'm going to do something, guess what- I'm going to do it. This will give me a chance to really think about what I am agreeing to or saying.

With that being said... I said I was going to buy a house and guess what- I found a house and will hopefully be moving at the end of the month. Now how's that for putting words into action.

~Stay encourgaged....
~Be inspired...

Food, Fun & Fellowship

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

To Do List Thursdays: 80/20 Rule

I have Internet ADHD. I can never get a chance to finish reading something because I'm always searching information that was mentioned in the article I was trying to read.  But anyway, on my search (I can even remember what I was looking for in the first place) I found this article talking about the 80/20 rule.  It was mentioned in the movie "Why did I get married" but for other reasons.  This rule is mainly applied in businesses, but can applied to your personal life as well.  The rule states that 80% of your outcome or results are based on 20% of your activity or input.  If you apply this to any areas of your life, you have to figure out what part of your life makes you the happiest (80%)--then apply how you achieved being happy (20%) and focus more of your time and energy on the 20% so that you can get the greatest results (80%) of being happy.

So the moral of the story...work harder on the 20% so that you can achieve the desired 80% (not the other way around).  Not only work smart, but work smart on the right things.  Stop wasting time on things that don't matter...

Here's an example...  (+) 20% of t.v being off  can contribute to 80% of weight loss...instead the situation is this  (-)20% of my t.v being on contributes to 80% of my weight gain..lol

 The real meaning of 80/20 in the above case....."get up off your lazy a$$"


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Talk Tuesdays: Real Talk

I've noticed something about the relationships that I have with the people in my life. I talk a lot of "fluff". What's "fluff" you ask? It's not talking REAL TALK from the heart. You know, telling the "real deal" about a situation. Instead, I tend to apse the person by going on with whatever they are saying.  I may not agree, but I just let them go ahead and vent their frustrations out on the situation. I guess frankly...I don't want to hurt any one's feelings.  You know the statement "it's not what you say, it's how you say it" and guess what.. I don't say anything (which is just as bad). Well, I don't know how say it (without sounding harsh).  There's also knowing the balance between when people want to vent vs. adding your thoughts on the situation without sounding like your hating or that your on the other persons side.

 I've seen some people who are so blunt when talking that you feel like your being stabbed repeatedly in the stomach.  People who are like this really give you a dose of reality real quick and sometimes people with thin skin cannot take it.  By know means do I want to be like that because people still have feelings.

So I say all this say, sometimes people need to hear the truth.  By NOT saying anything is even worse because this maybe what the person needs for their growth process to continue.  My journey it to find the right (1) balance in knowing when to say something and (2) approach without sounding too harsh.

Have you ever had someone say something to you and it cut you to your core?   OOuucchh

Good night
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